Growing and Promoting RPL in ETB FET Provision

Many Providers in FET are struggling to develop and promote RPL as a mainstream offering in their ETB. Join us for this PD session on Zoom where Patsy Hogan, QA Officer with Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board will explain how RPL has grown from small discrete projects in Limerick and Clare ETB to widely offering RPL as a mainstream strand of provision through policy development, staff training and promoting awareness.

The session will focus on broadly answering the following questions:
• Where do we start with development of RPL in our ETB?
• How can we develop a meaningful policy and support materials?
• What training and support is available to potential RPL practitioners?
• How do the EU Guidelines on Validating Non-formal and Informal Learning support ETBs?
• Do ETBs have an RPL budget?
• How do systems such as PLSS and the QQI Business System (QBS) support RPL?

There will be time for Q&A and group discussion on these topics during the session and the session is intended to be informative, supportive and interactive.

The target audience for this event is: FET staff members, especially those in a management/co-ordination and/or quality assurance role who have a particular interest in RPL promotion and/or development in their ETB.

Facilitation will be: Patsy Hogan, Quality Assurance Officer, Limerick and Clare ETB. Patsy has been actively involved in the RPL space for a number of years. She has been instrumental in placing Limerick and Clare ETB at the forefront of RPL practice in Ireland. Patsy has developed a RPL professional development course which is run internally in her ETB and has also been attended by colleagues from other ETBs. She has also taken a lead role in RPL policy development, promotion, support and awareness both in her own ETB and in national and European projects.

Please note: Pre-booking is essential. Please do not book onto this session unless you are sure that you will attend / have approval to attend (if required). If an emergency arises, please inform us ASAP ( as we operate a waiting list system and if time allows, we can offer your booked place to another person.

Event Properties

Event Date 06-03-2024 10:00
Event End Date 06-03-2024 12:00
Cut off date 06-03-2024 14:00
Capacity 100
Registered 48
Available place 52
Individual Price Free
Location Online (Link to event will be e-mailed)

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